Do any of these describe you?

  • My kids have melt downs all the time. I have no idea what to do. Nothing works.
  • I often lose my temper. How can I stop screaming at my kids?
  • Balancing work and family seems impossible. I can’t seem to do either well right now.
  • I feel like I have become a stranger to my teen.
  • I don’t even like being a parent anymore.
  • I keep making the same mistakes. How can I break free of old patterns?
  • I want to parent my kids differently than how I was parented.

How can counseling help me?

In my work with parents, we hold two things simultaneously – your role as a parent and you as an individual. We will work to help you develop the information and tools you need to feel more confident and effective as a parent. We will also focus on gaining a better understanding of how your own childhood is impacting your reactions to your children, look for ways to heal the old wounds so you can be the parent you’ve always wanted to be.

Here are some of the focus areas of our work together:

  1. Education: We will work together to really understand your unique children so that your parenting interventions can be tailored to their specific needs, developmental stage, and temperament. We will also explore child behavior in general.
  2. Encouragement: We will focus on what is already working and how we can build upon the parenting strengths you already have. We will keep an eye out for success, no matter how small. You will learn how to be kinder to yourself and set realistic expectations.
  3. Equipping: We will focus on helping you strengthen your relationship with your kids, improve communication, and create a team atmosphere in the home. I will also offer you a number of tools and resources to help you remain or re-gain calm when triggered or under stress.
  4. Exploration: We will explore how you were parented and your default parenting style. We will look at how these may be affecting your interactions with your children. Therapy in this area can help you break generational chains and free you to be the parent you want to be.
  5. Prayer and discipleship [optional]: For moms who would also like spiritual support, we can pray over specific areas, look for ways God is answering those prayers, and explore creative ways to create a discipleship environment in your home.

We will work together to create goals, and along the way we will look for indicators that we are on the right track. If something isn’t working, we will explore it, seek to better understand why, and make the necessary changes for you to feel confident, sturdy, and well-equipped as a parent.

[At this time, all sessions are conducted through a HIPAA compliant, secure telehealth platform]